1. Thank you for your blog.

    I am halfway through Koppel ‘s book. Sobering. Nothing I have not already considered, but certainly more in depth and pointed.

    Trying to keep my ‘weapon’ well-oiled; must overcome laziness and procrastination.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. John G. Kruse, praise the Lord! I am a Michigan Catholic Radio listener who was blessed to learn so much from you. Every morning began with your show where I first learned of the Divine Mercy message & Saint Faustina. I have missed you so! For truly my life has been greatly blessed by your faith & gifts of sharing that faith with us. I’m so excited to follow your new blog for I know you will once again bless all who have ears to hear. Thank you Lord. Jesus I trust in you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Pat,
      Thank you so much for your presence and for your very kind words!

      I have to admit that when I see a comment like yours I am rightly ashamed of myself for not continuing the effort I started after the end of my time at Michigan Catholic Radio. At that time, late in 2006 I felt inspired in prayer to begin Divine Mercy Network … which I worked on for several years until in 2009 I actually found myself back on 1090 AM after the station was sold. I was able to program and manage the station for one year before having to give up the effort because of the complete lack of cooperation from the AOD, due to efforts on the part of a few to make sure the effort didn’t work.

      Add to that the bad economy which made it difficult to obtain donations and I ended up not being able to continue the effort. At that point, I have to admit, I pretty much gave up and found myself struggling with all sorts of doubt and anger and confusion. Some hard lessons learned about what trust really means.

      Anyway, now because of a variety of factors, including Charlie Johnston’s ministry (charliejohnston.org) and comments like yours – I have felt strongly compelled to put all that behind me once and for all and to begin again with the mission of evangelizing. I tell you all this for two reasons: first, is to beg your prayers for me. I need your prayers and sacrifices in a big way … and second, to let you know that it is comments like yours that has and continues to sustain and build my faith, encouraging me to have confidence in God, knowing that He has a plan for everything – a plan that includes my own struggles and failures to practice the very trust that I have told others to have!

      I am truly humbled by your response. My wife Marie and I – along with our eight young children – will mention you by name in our prayers today!

      God bless you and thanks again. Please keep in touch and spread the word about MercyRadio.com and DivineMercyNetwork.com.

      In Jesus and Mary,


      Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Kruse— thanks again for your work here. I am especially drawn to this site as I am a Divine Mercy Oblate. We are committed to daily Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet, daily Mass, weekly Eucharistic Adoration, and at least monthly confession.
    I saw Ted Koppel interviewed by O’Reilly. Very sobering, and who would have thought a guy like Koppel would have written that book! God bless you for manning your post!


    • Hi Kim,
      What a blessing to have you here!!! I beg your prayers and those of your Divine Mercy Oblates. My wife and I and our eight children will be praying for you and all those who come here. Please pray for us! Thanks and God bless you through the intercession of St. Faustina!


  4. I didn’t realize your blog was already up and running! I saw your post on Charlie’s site a few days back and bookmarked your new blog. I’m glad I checked it today 🙂 This is looking great!
    As far as being prepared (not talking spiritually- which I think is most important) for this… I’m worried about and praying for all the people who do not have the money to prepare- I know how they feel. I can only do a few things. I have looked into this and it is extremely costly to do this preparation. Wow! There are so many things to look at…and it’s a bit confusing. Making sure you have access to water, if there is no electricity, is alone overwhelming! Food for family and animals, heat for those who live in the cold states, guns, ammo- yikes! Lately, this upsets me because it just seems everything in the world works for people with money and nothing works in this sense for the poor. God alone will be their refuge…and mine.


    • Thanks Jean! Now that this blog is published and publicized, there is a lot of work to do. So please keep this effort in your prayers.

      As for being physically prepared, I agree. It can be quite overwhelming and potentially expensive. In the coming days and weeks I hope to begin offering specific information on this important topic; doing so from a position of faith while remembering that no one can weather this alone – no matter how much money one has or how many steps of preparation are taken. As Charlie Johnston has said, for instance, preparing to survive alone, trying to avoid the problems altogether with clever preparation is a loosing proposition from the start.

      With that said, it is vital to put our faith into action by taking reasonable steps to prepare. I also know how confusing it can be to start looking at how to prepare physically and so my plan is to share what I already know and what I continue to learn – so that each person who comes here will not have to start from scratch and perhaps get confused and discouraged and even end up making bad decisions.

      For now my advice is to start small and remember the principle of subsidiarity. Think of what is absolutely essential in a true, long term emergency. Water is certainly at the top of that list and no one can store enough to last indefinitely (although storing some is very important and I will provide specific information on that later). What is even more important than storing water is the ability to filter the water you have from any number of sources. I have studied both issues of water storage and filtration and will share what I know through this blog.

      Other topics will include issues like food, clothing, shelter, weapons, energy production on the go, transportation and networking with others (community!) and more …

      Any steps taken to physically prepare must be done from a position of what I call “faithful flexibility” because if and when the SHTF – in whatever situation – we must be prepared in faith to (as Charlie puts it): Acknowledge God, Take The Next Right Step and to Be A Sign of Hope to others Without those prerequisites even the wealthiest prepper will be quickly lost.

      All of this is a Divine call to Trust so if you find yourself upset, always remember that discouragement is never from God. Rebuke it and move on with actions based in trustful prayer – especially the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. God Himself “has your back” … what else can anyone ask for!


  5. Thank you, I look forward to reading what you will be posting. I am not very discouraged- I worry too much when I start to focus too much on this and I have to let that go. I know so many people who struggle to get through a day or even a week, who have lost homes, jobs and are living their own personal storm now. I don’t know… I just feel bad and I am praying for God’s will in all of this and asking Him to help me to trust Him completely. I wish there was more I could do to help but I struggle myself. I have been praying the Divine Mercy for many years now! I was led to this prayer back in the ’80’s! Also the Rosary 🙂 Thank you! God bless you.


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